Our mission is to offer comprehensive support in all branches of Law, covering all your needs, through quality services, dedicated to prevention, effective and timely solution of all legal-legal problems.
In this understanding, our specialized professionals will be able to assist you, in:
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_Civil Law, real estate contracts;exercise of economic rights; attention in succession proceedings; execution processes; contractual or non-contractual civil liability actions; claim of real estate; assistance in nullities and/or validity and/or interpretation of contracts and other types of obligatory documents, as well as referring to resolution and rescission of contracts; and other procedures of Civil Law.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_Notary Law,We take care of giving legal character to different private documents that we raise to public, as well as any contract, convention or agreement of wills that we endow them with legality, and we assist and intervene in the proceedings of voluntary jurisdiction and the Law of Notaries. It allows.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_Commercial Law, look for the appropriate structure of the companies; advise in general assemblies and boards of directors; assist in the professional obligations of merchants; structure contracts for commercial traffic; provide solutions to corporate conflicts; transform, modify, merge and liquidate companies; identify problems and provide solutions to complex contracts; enable the free exercise of trade; intervene and advise in legal proceedings of commercial matters.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_Intellectual property, we manage trademark registrations, invention patents, designations and trade names; and we continue to preserve their rights and defense of their trademark rights, since these constitute valuable assets in the legal organization of companies.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_Tort Law, we assist those who seek to recompose assets altered due to an illegal act (even a lawful act), based on the pro damnato principle, which in its fair interpretation, says: "all damage must be compensated as long as there is a just reason to find a person responsible", and our Firm specializes in locating him and demanding, through due process, the reparation of the damage and damages caused.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_Labor Law, we assist employers in hiring their employees and we prevent and solve labor conflicts, organizing or readjusting their Internal Work Regulations for a good employer-employee relationship and other matters related to Labor Law that this legal branch currently demands.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_Family right, we assist in advising on marital relations and family rights, as well as judicial intervention in defense of your interests, including marriage annulments, divorces and declarations of non-marital unions, parental authority, affiliations, family status, guardianships; as well as any other aspect related to Family Law and the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_Banking Law,We assist in the restructuring of liabilities and banking operations, in order to streamline your credit obligations and avoid unnecessary charges on your cash flow, and we provide advice for the approval of your credit lines.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_Immigration Law, we assist in the international transit of people (nationals and foreigners), in terms of the modalities and conditions to which the entry, permanence or stay and departure of foreigners in our country is subject.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d5c_criminal defense, we assist those involved in criminal conduct from the moment they request us, in order to safeguard, through due process, the presumption of innocence as a guarantee of the first order, through a network of lawyers in various cities of the country. In addition, we assist in the case of Complaints, to achieve effective justice for the victims of criminal offenses.
We consider it important to express that within the current globalized framework, we have placed emphasis on expanding our object of study, incorporating solutions to all the problems raised by the rise and impact of new technologies in our society.